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Original Work 2

Subject: Original Work 2
In the next week I will be investing my time heavily into the creation and polishing of my original work, the first portion that I will be working on is the research of what creates a platinum-rated building, and how to work a blueprint creation program. The program for blueprints that I am using is called Floor Planner, it is a 3D design that has been free for public use since 2007. This program should allow me to design a 3d model for my LEED-certified building. I started by creating a style board, which is different from an actual blueprint because it is just a way to see which colors match with what, basically it was a template to see how you wanted to create the blueprint. This portion was not required for my blueprint, so I switched to the software I needed. I started with a tool called “room wizard”, with this tool, I was able to make an original 2D room that I was going to then later expand on. I started with an off-cube shape that had two missing corners. I also then chose the feel of the inside, I chose contemporary to create a homey but simplistic look to make it easy to work with for designers. I was then offered to tour the house with either “Dollhouse mode” (which was where I could float around the building) or “person mode” where I was able to walk through the home myself, It was very interesting. I then designed a bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a garage with all the necessary appliances. I had to begin thinking about how to make the building more environmentally friendly as I designed it. At this point, I began to complete the original design and was now focusing on installing environmentally friendly devices. This was when I needed to begin researching what previous platinum-rated LEED buildings required to make mine certified as well.

After researching the best installations for a platinum-rated building, I have decided to look at some of the most famous platinum-rated buildings such as Taipei 101 in Tiawon, Philip Merrill Environmental Center, the Clinton Presidential Library, the Vancouver Convention Center, and the Business Instructional Facility. All of these buildings had many methods to achieve the Platinum Certification and I plan to use all of their strategies to achieve it. Outside of just solar panels, I plan to install energy-efficient lighting, an energy management and control system (EMCS), a smart HVAC system, low-consumption water appliances, thermal energy storage, a highly insulated facade, a rainwater harvesting system, natural ventilation, and a lot of greenery. I may even install a green roof, which also improves natural insulation and air quality.
I believe the most important tasks that I have are to make the home off the grid and to make water recycling an important portion of the work within the home. One more important thing I must do to the house is make sure I have as much greenery around as I can to reduce my carbon footprint, unfortunately, because this is still a normal home, stoves will still be used, I will try to replace it with a nongas stove though to reduce emissions. If both water and electricity are covered, all I have to do is reduce heating and cooling within the home and to create natural ventilation. With all of these methods in mind, I should be able to green a Platunm-rated LEED home.



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