In the past week, our ISM class has been working on creating our first resumes.
This has been very interesting for me because I have always thought about how I would lay out my resume but have never done so. My original draft was quite good considering I have not had any resume-making experience prior to now. I used some software to help me which made the process simpler. We also used data that we collected from previous assignments such as our about me pages on our websites or our annotated bibliographies of our desired profession. These sources helped me write a more effective resume and let me pool into different topics that I would not have thought of otherwise, such as different languages that I speak or the unique skills that I have acquired over the years.
After my original draft, ISM began to peer-review and revise and I realized that I had made some critical mistakes, These include not mentioning the many roles I have held in my band's leadership, and my sports experience. I also did not mention my academic achievements which I believe was the biggest mistake. But after these revisions, my Resume will be ready for use!