Recently, we had an ISM showcase where we made a board and had information describing what we have done over the past semester to show our product off to the world and to promote the ISM program at Frisco High School. My board was not very special, using printouts and my computer to display everything I have done. I have my mentor description on the board as well as my quote, my mission statement, a fun fact, and my original work. The board could have been more interesting but I was unable to put in an exceeding amount of effort because I was restricted to only one day to create the board. Unfortunately, because of my other classes that took priority I was unable to invest a significant amount of time and had to settle with the time I had. The showcase however was fun and effective. I presented my board to many people including my friends and some of my old and current teachers. Halfway into the ISM Showcase, I remembered that instead of forcing the listeners to open my QR codes, I could set up the computer that I had handy to show my original work and website as I presented, which made the system more enjoyable and efficient.
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